親愛的窩友們今天有沒有吃飽飽呀?昨天小年夜POSH CREW也吃了團圓午飯,吃飽飽繼續陪伴大家一起度過春節連假!
還沒想到春節要去哪玩嗎?來北門窩問POSH CREW的姊姊妹妹們就對了!別說小編沒告訴你,北門窩老妖在官網設置了窩友專屬折扣碼要回饋大家,只要到北門窩訂房網站,輸入『POSH2019』不分平假日最高可享八折優惠唷!


新的一年POSH CREW祝大家豬事如意、豬事順心!一切豬豬好!

Today is Chinese New Year Eve, all of our POSH CREW would like to wish you all the best in the Year of Pig! Use our promotion code “POSH2019” on our website to get more discount for your next stay and celebrate the new year with us in Taipei!

Make the reservation now: https://goo.gl/eHY4sw
