To get to Taipei 101 from Beimen Wow Poshtel, first, you need to go to Zhongshan (中山) Station (it’s the closest to the hostel). Then, if you don’t have a ticket, you can buy one on the ticket machine or at the information desk, the price depends on the station you want to go to, so you can check the map to see how much it will cost. For example, from Zhongshan to Taipei 101 it cost us 25 NTD (single journey ticket). When you have the ticket, you need to take the red line to Xiangshan (象山) and get off in the Taipei 101/ World Trade Center station. Once you get there you just need to follow the exit sign and get out through exit number 4.

Next to the exit there’s a shopping mall. If you want to visit the Taipei 101 Observatory, you can buy your tickets on the 5th floor. It costs 600 NTD (there are discounts for children and students).

The Taipei 101 was officially classified as the world's tallest building until the Burj Khalifa seized the title. Its elevators, capable of 60.6 km/h, transport passengers from the 5th to the 89th floor in 37 seconds, it’s so fast you can even feel the pressure change in your ears. Once you get to the 89th floor, you can enjoy Taipei’s most beautiful landscape and observe this busy city’s life from a different perspective. If you want to take the experience to the next level, you can go have some air at the outdoor observatory. Back inside, you can visit the Coral Gemstones exposition/shop, where you can see beautiful and detailed coral art pieces. Its value resides in the fact that Gemstone coral grows in the sea at a depth of 100 meters, with a slow growth rate of 1 cm every 10 years, and is also the only type of gem that cannot be reproduced by humans.
